Mobile applications

To find a solution to control multiple set-top boxes from a single device in a short period of time. This will be helpful in a commercial environment such as a bar where customers have multiple receivers that they need to control, both individually and simultaneously, from a central location or on the move.

We interviewed stakeholders and prospective users to gather insights about their goals and needs along with researching any competitors products. We brainstorm use cases and scenarios to help us understand all possible actions and behavior. We consulted software team to understand any limitations upfront. Based on our findings and features request from client, we organized content and structure. This helped me with the wireframes as I layed out various options. Given the urgency, high fidelity mockups and prototypes were created followed by heuristic evaluations and iterative changes.
Application wireframe designs and high resolution designs on an smartphone and tablet.
DISH commercial app
Help transform client's idea into a prototype as a proof of concept to pitch to investors. Worked with client to define use cases and applied those scenarios into wireframes and high fidelity prototype.
Live Lookn app
Design wireframes for an application and high resolution design screens on a smartphone.